They went and never came back
Mr. Quainoo informed his wife he was travelling to a neighbouring town and promised to be back in a couple of days, his wife and children were so anxious because daddy will return with some food stuffs and candies for them. They waited and waited and waited and waited, but daddy never came.
The morgue at the 37 Military Hospital on Monday July 25, 2011, gracefully received the bodies of a woman, her three year old daughter and a taxi driver who had bid goodbye to their families that they were going to work, market and school respectively only to find themselves in the cold arms of death.

Once my church lost one of our most devoted, committed and hilarious elders to a nasty road accident on the Suhum-Apedwa road. Even though I wasn’t part of the delegation, I felt like besieging the pit of hell to confront death. My husband who collected his blood-stained clothes when they were brought to the church premises could not inform me about the demise of the elder because he feared what might happen to me. In fact, I was cut to the marrow as I kept questioning myself why such a person should exit this world through road accident. May the soul of Elder George Yaw Attivor formerly of CEPS and the Word Miracle Church International continue to rest peacefully in the bosom of Abraham.
I believe exiting this world shouldn’t be through accident but in a solemn and peaceful manner.
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