As part of activities of ministering to teenagers, Teenagers Outreach Ministries (TOM) organizes a six-day camp meeting for teenagers during the long vacation.  For the past seven years TOM Ghana has organized camps in places like; Labone Secondary School, PRESEC, Hebhzibar near the Peduase Lodge, St. John's Preparatory Achimota, Girls' Guide Achimota under various themes such as; Back to Base, Dare to be Different, Unmasked, Who etc.

Activities during the camps include; Quiet Time, Faith Clinic, Bible Studies, Platoon meetings, Musical Nights, Traditional and Cultural Nights, Group Games, Symposium, Burning Issues, etc. Normally, Fridays are set aside for fasting and prayer, during which time participants are encouraged to wait on the Lord and also pray for themselves, family and friends, Alone with God is an activity that enable the teenagers have a one on one encounter with the Lord.  On Saturday, all teenagers go on evangelism known in the TOM circles as Operation Tell, there has been a lot of testimonies from the teenagers as some have experienced this opportunity for the first time.

Our camp took an international status in 2007 when we had teenagers coming from Nigeria.  22 teenagers accompanied by the TOM President and their teachers came from Nigeria, in 2008, the number grew to 36, in 2009 we had 40 and in 2010, 63 teenagers including their teachers participated in the camp.  This year we are expecting an astronomical increase of about 100 teenagers coming from Nigeria.  The reason accounting for the annual increase in numbers is the testimony these teenagers go to give to their parents and friends.

Last year, a colleague of mine in the office whose daughter participated instantly got healed during the camp.  She was allergic to cold bath and had been coughing prior to the camp, however, just after getting home from camp, she started bathing cold water and the cough was never seen nor heard of. Her mum came to the office so happy thanking me for inviting her daughter to the camp. I give glory to God because He is worthy of all that happens at our camp.  More and more testimonies are shared by these teenagers in their schools, churches and homes.

This year's camp comes off from August 23rd through to 28th under the theme "Salt and Light" at the St. John's Preparatory School, ABC junction in Achimota.

There is this Akan adage that says "Quality beads do not rattle". I encourage you to bring your teenager, or sponsor a teenager who touches your heart to come and experience a touch from God. It is said that if you save an adult, you save a soul, but if you save a child, you save a soul and a life. Why don't you help save a life today? God is counting on you. I have always been a part of this programme since 2004 and I can bet my all that your child will never regret being a part of this camp meeting. Beneath is the hand bill.


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