How well do you know yourself?

One of the most reliable means of learning to know oneself is the study of the temperaments. If a person is fully cognizant of his temperament, he can learn easily to direct and control himself. If he is able to discern the temperament of others, he can better understand and help them.

To determine your temperament, ask yourself these questions

Do I react immediately and vehemently or slow to a strong impression made on me?
Am I inclined to act at once or remain calm and wait?
Does the excitement or anger last a long time or only for a short while

My first exposure to the study of the temperaments was eleven years ago when I entered Secretarial school. In fact I really enjoyed that class because it was then I realized why no two people are the same, not even twins who come from one egg (ovule). Thanks to my lecturer, Mr. Theophilus Addy of the YWCA Secretarial School.

Take a quick look at the reactions (symptoms) below and know where you belong.

Sanguine Temperament

He is friendly in speech and behavior and can pleasantly entertain his fellow men by his interesting narratives and witticisms.
He is very pleasant and willing to oblige. He dispenses his acts of kindness in such a jovial and pleasant way that they are graciously received.

He is compassionate whenever a mishap befalls his neighbor and is always ready to cheer him by a friendly remark. He has a remarkable faculty of drawing the attention of his fellow men to their faults without causing immediate and great displeasure. He does not find it hard to correct others. If it is necessary to inform someone of bad news, it is well to assign a person of sanguine temperament for this task.

A sanguine is quickly excited by an offence and may show his anger violently and at times imprudently, but as soon as he has given vent to his wrath, he is again pleasant and bears no grudge. The sanguine is unstable in the pursuit of the good. He permits others to lead him and is therefore easily led astray, if he falls into the hands of unscrupulous persons. His enthusiasm is quickly aroused for the good, but it also vanishes quickly. Peter in the Bible readily jumps out of the boat in order to walk on the water, but immediately he is afraid that he may drown. He hastily draws the sword to defend Jesus, but takes to flight a few minutes later. Again, he defies the enemies of Jesus, only to deny Him in a short time when confronted by a little girl.

Choleric Temperament

The Choleric has great sympathy for his fellow man and a keen desire to help him. If the confidence in God supports the melancholic and encourages him to action, he is willing to make great sacrifices for his neighbor and is strong and unshakable in the battle for ideals.  However the choleric is very stubborn and opinionated. He thinks he is always right and wants to have the last word, he tolerates no contradiction, and is never willing to give in.

The choleric has a great deal of self-confidence. He relies too much upon his own knowledge and ability. He refuses the help of others and prefers to work alone, partly because he does not like to ask for help and also because he believes that he is himself more capable than others and is sure to succeed without the help of others. I believe Cholerics should not be allowed to drive because they always want to overtake other drivers but never want to be overtaken.

Melancholic temperament
He finds it difficult to form new acquaintances and speaks little among strangers. He reveals his inmost thoughts reluctantly and only to those whom he trusts. He does not easily find the right word to express and describe his sentiments.
Due to their nature, they can’t forgive when offended.  They bear grudges for a long time and resent insults. They brood over petty issues and will not speak to offenders. Is someone bearing a grudge against you because you wronged him or her? Never mind, this person happens to be one of the above. However, do not judge them, that is their nature.

Phlegmatic Temperament

The phlegmatic works slowly, but perseveringly, if his work does not require much thinking.  He is not easily exasperated either by offenses, or by failures or sufferings. He remains composed, thoughtful, deliberate, and has a cold, sober, and practical judgment.  He has no intense passions and does not demand much of life.  Abraham and Moses in the Bible are examples.

I hope after careful reading, you can now boldly tell which category you fall into. Work on your weakness and improve on your strengths.


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