The following conversation ensued between Ato and Beesiwa.

Beesiwa       :        Ato, how long have you been sitting here with these luggage?
Ato              :        For the past three days.
Beesiwa       :        [surprised] You don’t mean it, why? Has your landlord ejected
Ato:             :        No, I heard the Son of Man is returning on May 21, so I sold
all my belongings except this few in order to go with Him.
Beesiwa       :        [laughing] But those you sold them to, aren’t they going with
Him when He comes? Anyway, today is May 22, what do you intend doing, since there is no sign of His arrival?
Ato              :        [disappointed] I guess I have to go back to my village and
                             come at a later date.

This is the way some people comprehend the second coming of Christ.  The book of Luke chapter twelve verse thirty five to forty stipulates clearly how believers should prepare for His second coming.  All we need to do is to be ready (spiritual readiness) – confess our sins and surrender our lives to Jesus, accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and continuously confess our sins whenever we err.

He says He will come at an hour when no one expects Him, so for any mortal being to predict a specific date is absolutely demonic from the pit of hell.  It is reported that some people in the U.S.A. and other parts of the world sold their properties and committed suicide.  If Jesus should appear right now, can you go with Him.  No one knows the hour, just be ready for His coming.


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