Don’t Draw Back Your Hand

Once upon a time, a woman went into labour to bring forth twins. After travailing for some time, one of the babies brought out its hand. Immediately, the mid wife as a symbol of identification tied a scarlet cloth on the hand of the baby. Just after that, the baby drew back its hand into its mother’s womb. The mid wife could not explain this act as it appeared strange. All of a sudden, the second baby, without saying jack, gathered strength and jumped out of its mother’s womb with all vigor.  The mid wife cleaned the baby and wrapped it in a cloth and later saw the arrival of the one with the scarlet cloth tied around its hand.

Folks, do you realize any lessons from this short story? Well let’s learn a few.

Hand as used in this story symbolizes support. We often ask for ‘more hands’ when we need the support of others. In this sense, the story is telling us not to withdraw our support to others. You may be supporting a brother, sister, husband, wife, parent, or even a neighbour who doesn’t even appreciate it. Your reward is from the one who sees in secret and rewards openly, so never draw back your hand because even with that, as soon as you draw back your hand, another support will come from somewhere.

You may be of immense support to your group, church, fellowship, community, or organization and think the group cannot do without you. After being given so much recognition for your support, you start behaving in a way that leaves much to be desired. The moment you begin to take things for granted, someone who doesn’t even have the qualities you possess will just appear on the scene and take over your position.

A lot of women and men have lost their marriages to others because they drew back their hands. You may be the breadwinner supporting your husband or wife or family. You may have come to the point of giving up. I want to assure you not to draw back your hand, but keep on keeping on. Someone is ever ready and willing to pounce unto the scene and do better than you are doing just as the second baby did.

Hand symbolizes consent. Men often seek the ‘hand’ of a woman in marriage. In other words, the consent of the woman is being sought for. We are often advised not to rely on human being because, man will always promise but fail. If you’ve given your consent to assist someone through school, do not relent on your efforts because immediately you do that God will prepare someone to take your place.

No matter what, do not draw back your hand.



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