Exactly five years ago today, you landed safely in my arms with smiles all over your face. Your smile informed me that alas! you haven't missed your way, and that you've come to stay. Your birth brought us so much joy and exhilaration since you were the first fruit of my womb. On this special day, as we celebrate your 5th birthday, your dad, Mr. Frank Obiri Asare, your mom, Mrs. Docia Obiri Asare and your kid sister, Teresa Maame Afua Obiri Asare wish to tell you that we love you and are honoured to have you as a son and brother, and pray that the Almighty God who gave you to us will also protect, guide, bless and honour you to be father, uncle and grandfather of this wonderful family. May the good Lord also give unto you a seed of righteousness and all your sons may He sanctify in the midst of the whole earth; may nations serve you, and all the nations bow themselves before your seed. Be strong in the presence of men and exercise authority over all your enem...
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