Follow The Hat

Hi my blog funs,

Welcome to another exciting week after what seem to be a long week-end.
I really enjoyed my week-end cos I enjoyed a few movies that kept me pondering on some of life's issues.

Though I have watched this African movie before, I would like to watch it over and over again.
Chinwetalu Agu, the village drunk in 'The Return
of the Ghost'
A village drunk who saw the angel of death as it passed by was taken away to be given the power to see death approaching and who it was taking away. After rightly predicting a few deaths, the drunk, call him Odumodu, turned this 'gift of discernment of death' into a lucrative business. In fact, the village folks had to queue in his home to be told when death will come for them.

He was warned by the angel of death not to take money from people as he was given that 'talent' free of charge. To cut a long story short, Odumodu was to be coronated as a sub-chief for being the one who told people when they will die when the angel of death threw its hat at him. To the dismay of all present, he got up and run as fast as his legs could carry him, followed by his wife and daughter. He kept asking the angel of death why it has decided to come for him this time around, but death told him it was the decision of the Almighty God, and that he should return all the money he took from the people and prepare to exit this world. Lol!

Learnt any lessons? well!

1.   People we think do not matter in society are equally endowed with gifts.
      (even the drunkard)

2.   Do not take advantage of your gifts and talents and extort money from
      others, God gave it to you freely.

I wish I had this gift so I can tell my blog funs when it will be their turn.



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