A Letter to Dr. Gifty Naana Dansoa Anti

Docia's Nest
P. O. Box M171

1st October, 2015

GDA Concepts Ltd.

Dear Madam,


In His time, in His time
He makes all things beautiful in His time
Lord please show me everyday
As you're teaching me your way 
That you do just what you say
In your time

Words cannot describe the feeling that news about your impending marriage has brought to me and all young ladies in this country. I wish to inform you that you are not the only person celebrating your hubby, but every single lady who is also expecting same breakthrough.

When news broke out in mainstream and social media, I couldn't help but give God all the glory because alas, I know that our God never fails. He said in His word that it is not good for man to be alone and therefore, He would make him a helper suitable for him. Surely He has done just what He said. I have known you personally just a few years ago, but I can say with confidence that you are indeed a "Daughter of God", as inscribed on your car.

Many single ladies are at the brink of giving up their faith for a partner. The trauma of staying single despite having a well paid job, successful career and wealth is a great challenge for most ladies. The fear of never getting married, never being able to give birth, never being called a 'Mrs.' continues to be a dilemma for our ladies. To this end, a lady will prefer moving in with a man than stay single to avoid public ridicule. Society's perception of single unmarried ladies continually puts our women in a vulnerable state of giving birth outside wedlock with its associated domestic violence.

Your impending marriage has taught me three (3) things every lady should know whilst single

1.     Build your career and personality - Most ladies believe marriage is the ultimate thing that
would make them who they want to be.  Often times I have heard a young lady say she would get married to a rich man who would help her complete her education, set her up in business or buy her properties.  I have followed with keen interest your days at GBC and GTV, how you build your journalism career; hosting TV programmes, news coverage all over the world along side running your business at the GDA Concepts Ltd., hosting The Standpoint, honouring invitations to speak to students and the youth across the length and breath of  the country. You have become a role model and mentor to many Ghanaian ladies, a voice for the voiceless and source of power to the powerless, a source of inspiration to the downhearted. No wonder institution duely recognized your effort with an Honorary Doctorate Degree.

2.     Look good and dress appropriately - One thing society has made people believe is that, if a
single lady dresses good, no man will approach her for marriage. Some ladies have been indoctrinated with this mentality such that they are waiting to be married before they look good in their dressing. Some are waiting till after marriage before they start wearing make up, others for fear of being described as extravagant or promiscuous, have stock all their best clothes waiting to wear them after marriage. What these ladies have failed to realize is that, "you are addressed the way you dress". If you dress shabbily, you will attract your kind. Be yourself, do not dress to impress any body, dress to look good; your hairdo, make up, accessories, clothes etc. Naana, you are one such lady I admire a lot when it comes to dressing. What!! sometimes I see your pictures on Facebook and just tell myself "a man in vogue will surely come for this lady".  No wonder a Nana with a swag has come for your hand.

3.   Impact other lives - One thing I have come to realize in this world is that, when you get busy with things of God - caring for the needy, less privileged, the vulnerable, God intervenes in your needs and your cares.  Most ladies spend their times brooding over their single status and will hop from one church to the other, one prayer camp to the other, one mallam to the other, the daring won't mind snatching someone's husband or becoming a second wife or better still moving in with a man. All these, in the end, only end up adding up to the already heavy laden been borne by our ladies. You have been a source of inspiration to me, especially your Girl in Need Foundation, which has given life and a future to most deprived and vulnerable girls of school going age.

When I needed support to assist some teenagers for a programme, you willingly supported and went as far as giving us your platform via The Standpoint to tell all Ghanaians what our teenagers are going through. There is no such blessing as powerful as a child or kid telling you "God bless you". This marriage breakthrough, we know and believe is as a result of the prayers of those lives you have impacted reaching out to God.

Your marriage is going to be a great source of inspiration to all single ladies in Ghana. Maybe you are not seeing it yourself, but I tell you, its more than hosting a 1 million audience singles summit. I am particularly inspired, and so do other young ladies. Some ladies at age 35 are already thinking of giving up, but at 45 God has blessed you with such a wonderful man, what else can I say, but thank the Almighty God for your life.

I am truly inspired and can't wait for that day.

Congratulations big sister

Yours sincerely,



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for reading, I felt the joy to this. We thank God.

    2. ofeibeaaddy@gmail.com2 October 2015 at 10:45

      To God be the Glory.

  2. Im greatly inspired.
    God bless u Docia

  3. Glory be to God. I share your joy. May the Lord's hand ✋ be upon this marriage in Jesus name

    1. Amen Reverend, we thank God

    2. God bless you Docia. You have putting me back on track I'm inspired.

  4. Nice piece, Docia. I'm happy my mentor has finally found her other half :)

  5. Hmmmmm! Indeed! In GODs own time.
    In fact, words cannot tell of my joy for you Aunty Gifty.
    You are an inspiration; this tells us that The GOD we serve is a faithful God.

    1. Yes He's an awesome God. Thanks for commenting

  6. Awwww thanks dearies so much for your comments. We're truly happy for her. Come in your numbers on that day and let us show our love. Even if she doesn't make it public, we will remind her that she's a public figure.

  7. It pays to wait upon the Lord, may the Good Lord bless this new couples. I really admire both of them.

  8. Replies
    1. It's been a while, Rhapsody, hope all is well.

  9. I don't know her personally as you but I felt that overwhelming joy when I heard the news. Indeed he that waters, gets watered himself. A big congrats to her.

  10. Powerful piece , giving up is not an option, thank you for this piece.
    This is the doing of the Lord!!!!

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