Night has befallen Ghana in broad day light

Before I go to the place from which I shall not return
To the land of darkness and the shadow of death,
A land as dark as darkness itself,
As the shadow of death, without any order,
Where even the light is as darkness. (Job 10:21)

Can someone do Ghana a big favour by offering us a lamp to light our path? it is broad day light but we can't find our way, night has befallen us in such a broad day light that children have to rush to bed as though an eclipse of the sun has just taken place. The whole house is in total darkness although it is 14:30 GMT, we pray to God to keep away the arrows that fly by night till light comes back to us again.

His Excellency President John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills, rest in the bosom of Abraham till we meet on yonder hill.



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