Do you really know Docia?

Waow! the spice in blogging has started once again. You know these are some of the interractive activities that makes the difference between blogging and the other social media. Well I was tagged by Dentaa in the game of 11. Here are the rules:

the rules

i.      Post the rules
ii.    You must post 11 things about yourself
iii.   Answer the questions that your tagger posted for you
iv.    Create 11 questions, then choose 11 people and tag them to answer your
v.     Remember to let them know you tagged them, no tag backs.
vi.    Let the tagger know when you answer their questions.

 11 things about me

1.    I belong to the choleric group of temperaments.
2.    I believe in living to impact other lives.
3.    I don't believe in "this is how it is done" cos, I always want to try other
       ways and methods.
4.    I don't believe in "it can't be done" cos, I love to try my hands on anything.
5.    When I decide to do something, I don't stop till my mission is
6.    My life revolves around children and teenagers, hence I always look out to
       be a blessing to them.
7.    I simply love cooking, I can stock my fridge with different types of soups
       and stews that can last for a month, but ironically, my husband does not
       like food.
8.    I hate it when am taken for granted
9.    I love singing and dancing, especially 'AZONTO', I dance like no one is
10.  I am so passionate about debating. I can debate anything from creation to
       the rapture.
11.  I love reading and writing.

Answers to Dentaa's questions

1.     What is your honest opinion about my blog?         Its simple and unique, but the writing font appears quite faint for my eyes.
2.     If there was one thing you could change about the way I write, what
        would it be?        The font type and size.
3.     Is there any experience you've had that you would so love to relive?
        Still thinking. lol
4.     If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it
        I guess I have to consult my creator, cos He created me so fearfully and
5.     Thus far, do you have any regrets in the life you've lived? Elaborate
        (sounds like an exam question).        I wouldn't say its a regret but I wish I gave birth earlier than I did. I had my
        first son at age 30, I wish it was somewhere 22 or 23.
6.    What's your favourite food?        Waow! my favourite food is 'tuo zaafi' with 'ayoyo' soup from Northern
        Ghana. I am a Southerner though.
7.     Do you have the ability and capacity to prepare your favourite food?
        Sure! I do have the full capacity, ability and 'acoutrement' to prepare this
        dish. In fact my kids love it with passion.
8.     Can you sing?         I love singing (alto)
9.     Do you like your boss?
10.   In your honest opinion, do you think the world would be a much better
        place without bosses?        Not really, cos they are in to direct and help us, just that some go to the
11.   Do you think an 11th question is necessary?        Which is it?

My own questions

1.     Do you believe God exists?
2.     Why do you think God created you a man or woman?
3.     What do you do at your leisure?
4.     If you had the opportunity of changing any part of your body, which part
        would you change?
5.     Who are you?
6.     If you had the chance of seeing me face to face, what will you tell me?
7.     What do you think can prevent you from going to Heaven?
8.     If you had the chance of coming into this world again, would you marry
        the person you are married to or date the person you are dating now.
9.     Sorry, but if God decides to turn you into an animal today, which animal
        would you love to be and why?
10.   Do you think you would have been better off if you had one eye, one
         nostril, one hand and one leg? why?
11.   Write your own question.

1.    Luciano
2.    Lady Ngo
3.    Didi
4.    Enybee
5.    Priscy
6.    May
7.    Toin
8.    Che
9.    Think about it
10.  Mrs. Ndem
11.  Lily Johnson



  1. I am so going back to my blog and changing the font type. Thanks for the tip Docia. Interesting...
    Ques. 11: Would you prepare tuozaafi and ayoyo soup for me? :D

  2. Thanks for accepting, but de final decision is in ur hands.
    Surely I'll, just let me know when u are ready

  3. thanks for tagging me. i've already done a post on the elevens so i'll just answer ur questions here.
    1. Do you believe God exists? Yes
    2. Why do you think God created you a man or woman? cos he knows i'll do better as a woman
    3. What do you do at your leisure? read, write, watch movies
    4. If you had the opportunity of changing any part of your body, which part
    would you change? none
    5. Who are you?
    6. If you had the chance of seeing me face to face, what will you tell me? how lucky you are
    7. What do you think can prevent you from going to Heaven? hmmm..........a lot of things o
    8. If you had the chance of coming into this world again, would you marry
    the person you are married to or date the person you are dating now. presently not dating so i'll skip the question
    9. Sorry, but if God decides to turn you into an animal today, which animal
    would you love to be and why? none. i hate animals.
    10. Do you think you would have been better off if you had one eye, one
    nostril, one hand and one leg? why? no. God knows best, thats why he made them two
    11. Write your own question. will pass on this one too
    Ermmm..can i get a recipe of ur favorite food? it sounds fantastic

    1. Thanks for commenting, love ur answers. I'll get the recipe across to you soon. Enjoy ur day

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for the info. keep reading. Hope all is well


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