Have you been there before?

FORT GOOD HOPE Located on a promontory near a cave in Senya Beraku in the Central Region, Fort Good hope can be sited close to a landing beach. It was built by the Dutch in 1667 and named Fort de Goede Hoop to serve as a transit point for the export of human beings, oh! sorry, slaves. Thank God my great-great-great grand parents did not go through the Gate of no Return. In 1724, it was rebuilt to house the increasing number of slaves after being abandoned for several years. The British took over in 1868 and later abandoned it in 1957. In 1980 it was refurbished into a rest house. In fact, it is a nice place to be especially when you want to relax and have a feel of the serene atmosphere around. Take a look at the shots and pay a visit.