A confused husband needs your advice

Hi good people of blog ville, One of my readers inboxed me to seek advice on an issue that is bothering him. Lets call him Alvin, he's been married to Brenda for almost eight years now with a 3 year old girl. Initially, Alvin was diagnosed of low sperm count and erectile dysfunction which he made Brenda aware of before they got married. According to Alvin despite his condition he is able to *satisfy* his wife who seldom complains of short duration of sexual intercourse. Alvin's headache is that for a few years now Brenda has started sleeping around with other men. He says there are occasions where Brenda will seek permission to visit her father and will end up in another man's house. Her co-workers and even school mates have entered her. Her attitude has made her shed her matrimonial responsibilities that Alvin lays the bed, cook for the family, bath their 3 year old girl and take her to school. The most annoying part of it all is that Brenda even does it with som...